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Title: 揺れ動くHTML5への評価、その実力と今後の方向性を探る
Updated: 2013/01/21
Category: 市場環境分野
Areas: 米国


ここ数年、IT業界で期待が高まっていた次世代ウエブ技術「HTML5」への評価が、最近、激しく揺れ動いている。その端緒となったのは、Facebook CEO(最高経営責任者)であるMark Zuckerberg氏の発言だ。
米IT系ブログのTechCrunchが2012年9月にサンフランシスコで開いたイベント「Disrupt SF」に出席したZuckerberg氏は、そこで「我々(Facebook)が犯した最大の過ちは、ネイティブ・アプリを軽視し、HTML5に注力し過ぎたことだ(The biggest mistake we made as a company was betting too much on HTML5 as opposed to native)」と発言。
こうした動きを引き金に、それまでバブル気味にまで膨れ上がっていたHTML5への期待感が一気に萎んでしまった。特に米国の中小ソフト開発業者の中には、HTML5に見切りをつけ、Objective Cに絞ってiPhone向けアプリを開発するところも現れた。

Evaluation of HTML5 has undertaken a rollercoaster ride in recent times. HTML5 is a collective term for the next generation of web technologies centered on HTML, JavaScript and CSS. For a number of years there have been high hopes pinned upon HTML5, however, recently this appraisal has taken a negative turn. One significant reason behind this changing regard for the technology has been attributed to a remark made by Mr. Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook.
At an IT conference called “Disruptive SF” held by TechCrunch in San Francisco in September 2012, Mr. Zuckerberg said, “the biggest mistake we made as a company was betting too much on HTML5 as opposed to native.”
Prior to this remark, Facebook had already revamped its browsing application from one primarily based on HTML5 to a new version completely made by Objective C, the programming language designated by Apple for iOS applications. Along with Mr Zuckerberg’s remark, many observers in the IT industry, especially in the US, saw this switching of technologies as a signal of defeat for the HTML5 camp, represented by Facebook’s capitulation to the native application camp, represented by Apple, which had triggered the present cascade of downgraded evaluations of HTML5's capabilities. The growing negative perception amongst industry observers that HTML5 was really a just a useless set of web technologies, has lead many developers previously committed to HTML5 to switch their development language of choice completely to Objective C.
One is left somewhat uncomfortable when observing this sudden shift away from HTML5, considering it was, until very recently, such a highly evaluated and promising technology. With these circumstances in mind, the following report aims to thoroughly and, as much as possible, from a neutral standpoint re-evaluate the technological merits of HTML5. From such an impartial stance we are better able to examine the background of these fluctuating evaluations of HTML5, as well as forecast what type of future will be in store for the technology.
