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Title: 5Gネットワークの構築で揺れる欧州諸国 ― ファーウェイを巡る米中覇権争いの狭間で ―
Updated: 2020/04/28
Category: 制度・政策 ネットワーク
Areas: 米国 欧州

5Gネットワークの構築で揺れる欧州諸国 ― ファーウェイを巡る米中覇権争いの狭間で ―

ドイツ政府は未だファーウェイへの対応を決めかねている。 ドイツ連邦議会はファーウェイ排除を訴えているが、メルケル政権はドイツ経済に占める中国市場の大きさや中国政府による経済制裁などに配慮して、ファーウェイ排除には消極的だ。ただ近々、最終的な決断を迫られている。
本レポートでは米中の板挟みで苦慮する 欧州を中心に、 各国の政治経済や安全保障など5Gによって形成される新たな世界の地政学的側面を考察する。

A fissure is deepening between the United States and Europe over the construction of a network based on the next-generation mobile communication standard “5G”. The deepest fissures are emerging in European countries, and their communications carriers, who want to adopt Huawei products that provide excellent cost performance. In response, the United States, which wants to halt China's march toward future high-tech hegemony, is putting pressure on governments to exclude Huawei technology. The response to this situation has varied from country to country. The UK, which has forged a strong alliance with the United States, has recently surprised the international community with the partial introduction of Huawei products such as base stations. In response, President Trump is maintaining an eerie silence, but it is hard to read the effects of this decision on post-Brexit trade talks that will help shape the UK’s economic future.
The German government has yet to decide on using Huawei technology. The German Bundestag has appealed for a Huawei exclusion, but the Merkel administration has been reluctant to do so because of the size of the Chinese market in the German economy, and the prospect of economic sanctions imposed by the Chinese government. The decision is scheduled to be made in the near future. Poland, located on the eastern limits of NATO, has thus far adopted Huawei products for its 4G network, but it is uncertain about the future of 5G. Having the backing of the United States is seen as critical as the country faces a rising Russian military threat. For this reason, President Duda has been leaning toward the policy line of the Trump administration.
It goes without saying that relations with both the United States and China are important for European countries. However, it is forecast that the economic impact of 5G will also be of comparable importance to Europe. European countries, led by Britain and Germany, are now exploring the dynamic growth potential that could be driven by advanced technologies, most prominent of which is 5G and the promise it holds. This report examines the new geopolitical aspects of 5G, such as the political economy and security implications for each country brought on by 5G. Particular attention is paid to Europe, which is struggling to find its place between the US and China.
