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Title: AIバブルへの警鐘――人工知能への過剰な期待は禁物、今のAIに出来る事と出来ないことを見極めることがAIビジネスの成否を分ける
Updated: 2015/10/22
Category: その他
Areas: 世界 米国 日本



The recent progress and commercialization of A.I. technologies has been quite remarkable. For example, Google’s voice search is constantly improving its accuracy, autonomous cars are expected to revolutionize our traffic and transportation systems, advances in the computerization of simultaneous interpretation are commonplace, and many more technologies are constantly appearing. Undoubtedly, these numerous applications of A.I. technologies will have a profound and broad impact on our society and a wide variety of industries in the near future.

On the other hand, it is also possible to see the hype surrounding A.I. is clearly surpassing its true capabilities, which this article suggests is creating a sort of A.I. bubble. A.I. has already experienced two large booms over its long history. Unfortunately, unfounded exuberance meant these periods of rising expectations both turned to bubbles, which inevitably burst several years later, and lead to very long periods of stagnation, periods of so-called “A.I. Winter.” During the dark periods, not only did investment in A.I. technologies drop significantly, to the point of practically disappearing, but also experts of A.I. gave up and left the field one after another, causing long-term damage to the research and development of the A.I. sector as a whole. This current period of growth can be considered a Third Spring for A.I., but we should also be conscious of what can and should be done so that we do not repeat the same mistakes made in the previous eras of rapid advance. In this report, we would like to evaluate and examine the true capabilities of current A.I. technologies in order to prevent the formation of a potential 3rd A.I. bubble, which, in turn, will help facilitate the development and industrialization of A.I..
