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Title: Google翻訳の性能が大幅に向上した理由とは? -- 自然言語処理に応用されるディープラーニングの原理と限界
Updated: 2017/05/25
Category: コンテンツメディア分野 サービス
Areas: 世界 米国 日本

Google翻訳の性能が大幅に向上した理由とは? -- 自然言語処理に応用されるディープラーニングの原理と限界


With its November 2016 renewal the performance of Google’s translation service "Google Translate" has been significantly improved, especially so in the case of conversation text input from a smartphone. For example, a business person who unfortunately suffered a sudden illness while travelling abroad was able to consult with local staff and communicate with the doctors of the local hospital. A significant improvement in translation accuracy.
On the other hand, for example, when trying to translate a long sentence into Japanese, such as those found in a media article or novel written in a foreign language, the performance of Google Translate is still inadequate. Why does the technology perform poorly under these conditions? Despite the great improvement in the performance of Google Translate, accuracy is highly dependent on such factors as the length of sentences, and this report seeks to explain this shortcoming by delving into the structure of Google’s translation service.
