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Title: 食品雑貨のネット通販 —Google Expressを使ってみた
Updated: 2015/08/18
Category: サービス プラットフォーム
Areas: 米国

食品雑貨のネット通販 —Google Expressを使ってみた

今回はグロサリー(食品雑貨)のネット通販を取り上げた。グロサリーの買い物は我々の日常生活において大きな比重を占める。これがスマホで簡単にできるようになると、消費者や業界への影響は大きい。グロサリーのネット通販はビジネスとして成功させるのは非常に難しいと言われている。米国では、過去にはWebvanという大きな失敗例があり、それがトラウマのようになり、しばらくはそれに関わろうというスタートアップや投資家がいなくなってしまった。それが最近、復活の兆しを見せている。近所でも配達車をよく見かけるようになった。特にGoogle Express、Amazon Fresh、Safewayなどの動きが活発だ。

Smartphones are increasingly integrated into our daily lives. They work anytime, anywhere, from morning till night, while at home or on the go, and these mobile devices are significantly transforming our lifestyles. From the perspective of a “lifestyle changed by smartphones,” it is worthwhile to highlight some current applications that are changing our ways of living.

This report covers online grocery shopping. Shopping for groceries accounts for a large portion of our daily lives. Convenient smartphone applications in this area can have a great impact on the consumer experience and on the industry as a whole. As online grocery shopping is considered one of the most difficult areas of Internet business, many start-ups and investors have been very cautious about entering this market, especially after seeing the traumatic flop of Webvan in 2001. However, there are now some signs of recovery in this business area, and delivery vans from grocers such as Google Express, AmazonFresh and Safeway are more commonly seen on neighborhood streets.

The author gives Google Express a try and, while finding much to be improved in its service itself, sees a future with the potential for revitalizing local economies and generating added value from the usage of big data closely associated with our daily lives.
