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Title: 車載HUDがもたらす新体験とビジネスチャンス
Updated: 2017/08/30
Category: サービス ネットワーク
Areas: 米国



On January 1, 2017 a new law came into effect that bans, for any reason, California drivers from holding their smartphones or other wireless devices while operating vehicles. The problem is that even while regulations are getting tougher, the need for smartphone usage is ever increasing. Commonsense tells us that operating vehicles while using smartphones shouldn't co-exist, and technological progress is driving this matching even further apart. However, Head-up Display (HUD) is drawing attention as a possible means to solve this problem.

HUD enables drivers to use their smartphones while driving in a safe and convenient manner, bringing vehicles and devices closer to each other. This technological innovation also holds the potential to create business opportunities, bringing us new experiences integrated with AR technology and allowing windshields as a means of novel marketing.

This paper gives an overview of the HUD market with a focus on Navdy, one of the leading HUD products in the market, and discusses its usability and future prospects, including the author's hands-on experience using this product.
