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Title: 「次の次」と目されるロボット産業の将来とGoogleの戦略
Updated: 2014/03/04
Category: 市場環境分野
Areas: 米国


まとまった産業規模に至るまでにはまだ時間がかかると見られるが、通信業界の次のビジネスチャンスとみられる「Internet of Thing」のひとつであり、多くの裾野の広がりをもつ最先端技術の集中する分野でもある。

Current robotics industry is dominated mainly by traditional industrial robots, in which Japan is in the leadership position. In the U.S., however, there have been many recent moves and deals in other types of robots. Particularly in Silicon Valley, Google has been quite active, with a series of acquisitions and a newly established robotics division, in the latter half of 2013. We believe that Google is trying to repeat their mobile strategy to dominate open source OS in robotics industry as well, and to extend the reach of their “brain” in the cloud.
It is expected to take a long time and many iterations till the industry reaches the critical mass, but it is a part of the much-hyped “Internet of Things (IoT)” and can become a harbinger product that integrates wide variety of cutting edge technologies.
