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Title: 米携帯4社の販売競争と成果(第2回)
Updated: 2014/12/03
Category: 市場分析
Areas: 米国


2013年の米国無線通信市場は、T-Mobile US(T-Mobile)が「アンキャリア」を発表し、次々と新施策を打ち出して市場を翻弄した年だったと言える。競合他社もこれに追随または対抗措置を取ることを迫られながら、それぞれの戦略に基づいて販売施策を展開し、激しい販売競争を繰り広げた。

2013 was the year when T-Mobile bombarded the US wireless market with its “Un-carrier” strategy, implementing a succession of measures to increase its customer base. Competitors also carried out their respective marketing strategies, being forced to follow or counteract the Un-carrier strategy, resulting in severe competition within the industry.
It is interesting to reflect upon the results of the 2nd quarter of 2014 for each company’s grade report, as they may reflect characteristics and achievements of their strategies. Analysis of these reports would also be interesting and even useful for developing effective marketing strategies to know what measures are related, if any, to which aspects of the respective company's performance.
This report consists of two parts: an overview of marketing activities conducted by the four major US wireless carriers during 2013 to mid-2014; and an analysis of what measures impacted which aspects of the results of each carrier’s quarterly performance.
The second part of the report analyzes what measures are reflected in the performance of each carrier’s quarterly results and in what manner, and reviews their achievements with respect to competition in the US wireless industry.
