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Title: 新しいリスク判断で稼ぐ金融スタートアップたち
Updated: 2016/08/25
Category: 市場分析 社会・経済 プラットフォーム
Areas: 世界


融資分野の新興サービスでは、既存金融機関とは異なる独自指標を利用して融資判断を行っている。FICO(米国の個人信用情報)とは異なる指標で若者や移民を審査するAffirm。周囲の人からの評判(ソーシャルレーティング)を基に融資のリスク判定をするVouch。借り手と貸し手を同じ大学の卒業生同士でマッチングし貸し倒れリスクを抑えるSoFi。中小企業の事業における健全性をあらゆる角度から審査する事業融資Kabbage、On Deckなどがある。
保険分野では、利用者の行動を基に料金を決定する「Pay as you behave」モデルが登場している。運動によって健康的な毎日を送る人にはキャッシュバックをする健康保険Oscar。しっかり歯磨きしていれば料金割引が受けられる歯科保険Beam。
新しいリスク判定は、新しい購買機会も生み出す。Affirmの事例では、クレジットカードを持てない層に対して、簡単に分割払いができる仕組みを入れたことで、コマースサイトのコンバージョンレート(サイト訪問者のうち、商品購入をした人の率)が20%も上昇するという。Pay as you behaveモデルにおいても、行動を把握できるなら、それに合わせた別のサービスの購入機会につなげられるだろう。歩数で保険料を割り引いてもよいし、ユーザの累積歩行距離を踏まえ、新しいウォーキングシューズを割安で購入できるような導線をそこに仕込んでもよい。リスクの低い利用者が受け取る報酬は、形を変えて様々なパターンで提供できる。

In financial businesses, such as lending and insurance, one of the most important things in generating pricing is how to estimate the customers' financial risk. "Fintech" startups have opened up a new sector in the finance industry by creating risk analysis in an original way that differs markedly from traditional finance companies. This report focuses on such startup businesses and the new marketing opportunities they are creating.

Affirm, an alternative lending startup has a unique method to measure customers' financial risk, and offers loans via their on e-commerce services. Affirm's primary customers are students and immigrants who don't have a credit card because of lack of credit history. Vouch, another lending company estimates a consumers' risk, by also taking their social reputation into account. SoFi, a student loan startup, reduces dead loan risk by matching alumnus as lenders with borrowers from the same university. Cabbage, is a business loans provider that checks the stability of client's business from a variety of aspects.

In the insurance industry, a "pay as you behave" model is emerging, in which prices are variable depending on customer's behavior. Oscar, a health insurance startup provides customer with a cash back service if the client takes walks and achieve their personalized step goals on a daily basis. In the same way, Beam Technologies, the dental insurance startup gives customer a discount rate, if they brush their teeth correctly.

New risk judgment leads to new sales opportunities. Affirm, as an E-commerce company, has experienced an increase in their conversion rate by more than 20%. The "pay as you behave" model could also give rise to new marketing chance. Instead of a discount in their insurance fee, a frequent walker could have the opportunity to purchase new walking shoes at special price in an affiliated store. Customers with lower risk could also get variety of rewards in a similar way.
