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Title: Millicomの中南米事業
Updated: 2010/09/21
Category: 市場分析
Areas: アフリカ ラテンアメリカ グアテマラ ホンジュラス エルサルバドル ボリビア パラグアイ コスタリカ パナマ コロンビア


中南米市場では、America Movil(メキシコ)およびTelefonica(スペイン)の2大勢力が目立つが、Millicomも4カ国において市場シェアNo.1事業者である。
③今後の事業拡大計画(Acquisition Opporturnities)

The Luxembourg-based Millicom International Cellular Inc. (Millicom) is a leading mobile operator in emerging markets. As of August 2010, the company operates its predominantly GSM mobile services in 13 countries: three in Central America, three in South America, and seven in Africa. Millicom has the stated aim of becoming the No.1 or No.2 player in each market, and the company has achieved this goal in ten of its 13 markets.
Although two regional giants—Mexico’s América Móvil and Spain’s Telefónica --are competing strongly in the Latin America market, Millicom has secured the No.1 position in four countries in the region.
Millicom's Latin America business accounts for approximately 70 percent of its total revenue. Consequently, this report outlines the company’s Latin America business and focuses on the following three perspectives:
1. Prepaid mobile service: the TIGO brand and its low cost strategy.
2. Fixed/mobile broadband service: market expansion through M&A.
3. Acquisition opportunities: the cases of Costa Rica and Colombia.
