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Title: 欧州の光ファイバ整備 ~競争ルールと公的関与~
Updated: 2010/10/13
Category: 制度研究
Areas: 英国 フランス スウェーデン オランダ EU

欧州の光ファイバ整備 ~競争ルールと公的関与~


The rollout of ICT infrastructure and its effective is not just regarded as telecommunications policy, but is considered one of the most important national projects able to be a driving force for economic growth and industrial development. The EU set out its “Digital Agenda” in May 2010, which outlines Europe’s strategy for creating a flourishing digital economy by 2020. Guided by this vision, a broad range of actions are already underway to achieve this ambitious goal. The rollout of fiber optic for next generation access (NGA) is considered one of the most urgent issues for each member states, and is now taking place throughout the region.
In the course of policy implementation, the EC (European Commission) has established the rules and criteria which apply to all member states, and the NRA (National Regulatory Agency) of each country legislates the necessary laws and ordinances in accordance with the relevant EU directives, recommendations, and guidelines etc.. Each NRA, however, is able to take its own approach to achieving these objectives, and as a result measures differ from country to country. Consequently, it is difficult to claim that there is a unified regulatory approach amongst the member states. In particular, you will find that each NRA adopts distinct measures for introducing fiber optic technology, and these approaches are highly dependent upon the existing local access competition and the level of broadband penetration.
