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Title: 「未知の世界」アフリカの通信事情 -多種多様な市場の向こうに見えるもの-
Updated: 2019/10/30
Category: 市場分析 ICT利活用
Areas: アフリカ

「未知の世界」アフリカの通信事情 -多種多様な市場の向こうに見えるもの-


For many people, especially in Japan, the continent of Africa is considered remote and "unknown," and given that it takes more than a half day of flying to reach the continent from Japan this is an understandable outlook. This sense of remoteness is, however, vastly different when looking from a European perspective, where there a strong economic and historical ties between the two continents. Moreover, the scale and diversity over this vast land make it problematic to even use the catch-all term "Africa" when discussing the continent. The ethnic makeup and religious affinities vary greatly between north and south of the Sahara Desert, and many factors such as mineral resources, tourism resources, security, climate and so, greatly influence the status of each country.

With regards to Africa's mobile phone market, a voice-based 2G (GSM) service is still the dominant technology on the continent. Although, there are many countries that have a mobile phone service penetration rate similar to that of developed countries, there are a number of markets where penetration still lags significantly. In addition, fixed-line telephone networks are under-developed and geographically limited, making it difficult to establish additional optical fiber broadband services for consumers. In this report, we will introduce the latest telecommunications market trends in major African countries, and discuss the telecommunications providers operating in these markets. Furthermore, we will present the "light" and "shadow" part of these markets, such as the backbone network and 5G situation, as well as the frequency of disruption of internet networks due to structural obstacles and human factors.
