Title: | 米国のスマートグリッド現状 |
Updated: | 2012/09/19 |
Category: | その他 |
Areas: | 米国 |
Author: |
海部 美知
執筆者URL |
Tags: | オバマ大統領 米連邦エネルギー省 エンロン PG&E シルバースプリングス・ネットワーク スマートグリッド スマートメーター 送電網 電力自由化 再生可能エネルギー ARRA 変動料金 M2M スマート家電 電気自動車 |
このレポートを読む |
In the U.S., the power utility system is fragmented and complex, and as a result, it is difficult to integrate new elements such as renewable energy sources. As one of the remedy to the problems in such circumstances, smart grid is drawing attention. Obama administration is pushing smart grid for the purpose of grid modernization and promotion of renewable energy. Currently, smart meter installation is progressing as the first step and rate plans that utilizes smart meters are emerging. However, the smart grid project as a whole is a long-term undertaking and has just started.