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Title: 自律的ロボットで「モノづくり」を制覇したいGoogle -そのベースとなる「AI(人工知能)」の現状と日本企業の取り組み
Updated: 2014/02/26
Category: その他
Areas: 米国

自律的ロボットで「モノづくり」を制覇したいGoogle -そのベースとなる「AI(人工知能)」の現状と日本企業の取り組み


In 2013 a self-driving car and disaster-relief robot drew much public attention, making us realize that such science fiction-like intelligent machines will soon become reality. Behind these developments is Artificial Intelligence, or AI, which is a kind of old and new high-tech.
Basic research of AI began in the 1950s, before soon hitting a hard wall and experiencing some long and severe setback periods, the so-called “AI Winter.” But AI has made a come back recently by introducing a probabilistic/statistical approach and up-to-date neural-and-brain science research, which has now made AI a very pragmatic and convenient technology.
For example, Apple’s virtual assistant “Siri” and Google’s voice search function, i.e. consumer products, are all using such new forms of AI technologies. Beyond that, Google is reported to be preparing to enter the manufacturing and distribution industry with autonomous robots that have AI installed. The company is aiming to revolutionize these industries by saving labor on the production line in factories and in the distribution process of products. This report investigates the frontline of such AI usage, and explains the mechanism behind current AI technology, as well as looking into prospects for the technology in the near future.
